Harvard Medical School Psychologist: Hypnosis Effective in Treating Skin Picking, Hair Pulling

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A link to some supportive literature on the benefits of Hypnotherapy in the treatment of Trichotillomania.

At Aim we use Hypnosis in the treatment of Trichotillomania because of the positive affects we see in our clients. Despite our first hand experience, it is always encouraging to see research and support from other psychotherapists on the efficacy of Hypnotherapy in the treatment of body repetitive behaviours like Trichotillomania.

"Hypnosis is very effective at reducing the stress that often triggers these problems. Also, about two thirds of people go into a spontaneous, spacey trance state when the pick or pull," noted Grossbart. "Learning to convert this 'inadvertent negative hypnosis' into an effective positive tool is vital." -Ted A. Grossbart, Ph.D


Click for additional info on Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours/Trichotillomania and how AIM can help.

The Anxiety of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) may be linked to discomfort with guilt

 A study looking at people with OCD has found an interesting link between guilt and OCD. It may be the sufferer's interpretation of their ability to cope with guilty feelings is connected to their behaviour. This study found that those with OCD may believe that they are unable to tolerate feelings of guilt and that it is this belief is what drives their maladaptive behaviours.

Taking this into account, treatment with clients with OCD would benefit from conversations with therapists about their beliefs about responsibility and teaching them tools to increase guilt tolerance in addition to helping modify their behaviours.

For more information you can check out a blog post describing the study in more detail.